
I have tested out few softwares. I still haven't found the most suitable software to be used for my project because all of the softwares are trial version.

'uWatchIt' - expired! *fail*

'Webcam Spy'
'Webcam Spy' - It can display 4 webcams at the same time, but the screen is too small. This is a trial version.

'Security Monitor'

full screen
'Security Monitor' - This software is almost suitable for my project. It can be viewed in full screen with 4 grids. However, it is also a trial version which there will be an ads on the screen. 

The output display at the monitor.

1 comment:

  1. you can do it! If using the cracked version tak boleh ke? Supposedly kalau dah hard to find, cracked version macam the better choice la, but refer to ky balik la can or can't. hehe
