ideation 3

Title: Stalker

Theme: Body, Identity and Sensors

Problem Identification:
Stalking is referring to unwanted, obsessive attention by individuals to others. Stalking behaviors are related to harassment and intimidation. These stalkers are trying to invade other people's privacy and it can be lead to another issue.

Aim and Objectives:
To let user experience the feeling of being stalked
- To let people experience living in insecurity

Ideation and Concept
Create a room with a hidden camera and then few monitors around the room. Then, the user’s movement will be recorded and displayed on the monitors.


ideation 2

Title: Dream

Theme: Body, Identity and Sensors

Problem Identification:
There are few interpretations for dream. Some dreams are meaningful and some are just random dreams. There is one dream called 'Lucid Dreams' where one is aware that one is dreaming. Meaning that he/she can control their dream. If they go to bed angry, they might have a bad dream.

Aim and Objectives:
- To let users know that they can actually control their dreams
- To let users experience how to be in a dream where they have choose on their own

Ideation and Concept:
To create a situation where there will be visual of sweet dreams and bad dreams.


Dreams from Dreams & Rubies on Vimeo.

ideation 1

Title: Lack of self confidence

Theme: Body, Identity and Sensors

Problem Identification:
There are still some people who are lack of self confidence and there are few reasons why they felt that way. They tend to compare themselves with others. There are also some of them who have been teased by people and think too much of what others think about themselves.

Aim and Objectives:
- To let users feel what is felt by a person who is less confidence
- To let users experience the situation of being mocked/humiliated

Ideation and Concept:
To create a pathway and there will be hanging speakers along the way where there will be sound of people mocking and humiliate while users walk along the path.



Hello everyone! This blog is for my final year project documentation. Ok bye.