Critique II - Research and Analysis

The installation of this video below is room with mirrors, and wherever the people go they will see the reflection of themselves and they have been wandering around for few times at the same place.

This video below is about 'Facebook Stalking'.

Critique II - Research and Analysis

I found a work by Saem Lee which is related to my topic. It is an installation, mixed media. The installation is a stalking game called 'A Stalking Machine'.

A Stalking Machine
By Saem Lee

                 Stalking machine 1 (upstairs)        Stalking machine 2 (downstairs)

                     Stalking machine 1 (upstairs)     Stalking machine 2 (downstairs)

Photos from 'Stalking Machine' 1 and 2

Critique II - Research and Analysis


Cyberstalking is basically stalking using technology. It can takes many forms, including:

-harassment, embarrassment and humiliation of the victim
-emptying bank accounts or other economic control such as ruining the victim's credit score
-harassing family, friends and employers to isolate the victim
-scare tactics to instill fear and more.

They use technology to trace and locate their victim and their movements more easily.
(e.g. using Facebook notifications to know what party they are attending).

To prevent yourself from becoming a victim of either stalking or cyber stalking, these are what you can do: 

• Don't give your real name, address or phone number to anyone through email or chat rooms
• Don't disclose where you go to school, where you work or your income to anyone through email or chat rooms
• Don't give your marital status, occupation or ANY password (s) to anyone through email or chat rooms, including newsgroups
• Do not create an online biography of yourself
• Be mindful of any sort of online interactions, whether it is through emails, news groups, chat rooms or online conversations

BTW, this website tells us how easy to be a victim of Cyberstalking:

Hmm . .

Critique II - Research and Analysis


          Stalking is an obsessive attention by individual to other person. It can also be defined as harassment. It may lead to something that is not good and fear the victim. Sometimes, there are also victims who do not even noticed that they are being stalked.
Moreover, the stalkers are actually those who are lonely which makes them want to try to get close with someone who has rejected them but the way they approach their victim is inappropriate. The stalker will do anything to get what they want and sometimes it can harm the victim. People who are stalking really need to be treated because obviously they have problem. They need to seek help from a psychologist.

Types of Stalkers

Stalker's profile

Warning Signs

Gangstalking Method

So, the topic that has been approved for my FYP is 'Stalking'. I'm gonna update my research and analysis for Critique II, now!