
The making of 'Peeping Board'

8x4 ft plywood

nailing the board

25mm / 20cent hole

Front view: Flat surface with a hole

Back view: Created the stand to make it stable and balance.

Painted the board with black paint. (only front surface)

Completed; front view

Completed; back view

It is impossible for me to build a board that is 7 feet tall using hammer, saw, nails and everything else on my own. My father was the one who helped me out to build this peeping board until it is able to stand like the image above. Thank you so much daddy! After everything has done, my brother and I painted the board black in color.

No more monitor.

I've changed my mind on using the monitor to display the live visual from the webcams; instead of using monitor I'm going to use a 19" Flat screen TV because there will be 6 visuals on the screen so I think if I use a bigger screen, the visual will look bigger and clearer.

Crit II

I have found a new software called 'iSpy'. It is free and can be used without limit because it is an open-source software. There will be no advertisement on the screen or time limit. So I will use this software for my project. Below is my progress on testing out the software using 3 webcams from different angle. However the angles might be different for my final. These only to show my rough idea of placing the webcams.

Visual display on screen

Screenshot for 'iSpy' (Fullscreen) - visual 3 is a close-up image

Screenshot for 'iSpy'

Types of webcams


WEBCAM 3 has 'Follow my face' feature.

Mr. Hafiz gave me a link and asked me to try a free software called 'VH Multicamera Studio'. I've downloaded it and tested it using few webcams. How ever, this software can't be viewed in fullscreen. Although the window can be maximized in many size, the toolbars will still be there. :(

Screenshot of 'VH Multicamera Studio'

Finalized measurement of the board for the peeping hole that will be placed between the spaces. (stalker's room and stalking space)


I have tested out few softwares. I still haven't found the most suitable software to be used for my project because all of the softwares are trial version.

'uWatchIt' - expired! *fail*

'Webcam Spy'
'Webcam Spy' - It can display 4 webcams at the same time, but the screen is too small. This is a trial version.

'Security Monitor'

full screen
'Security Monitor' - This software is almost suitable for my project. It can be viewed in full screen with 4 grids. However, it is also a trial version which there will be an ads on the screen. 

The output display at the monitor.

Crit I - Multiple Webcams

I have been testing out few softwares for multiple webcams. Softwares that I have tested are 'uWatchIt', MultiCam Pro, Security Monitor, Webcam Monitor and Webcam Spy Pro. These softwares are actually used as surveillance monitor at house or office only by using webcam.

Example: Screenshot for 'uWatchIt'

Example: Screenshot for 'Multicam Pro'